Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Jersey Four Film to be Released

As many of you know, I have been working on a documentary about the case of the New Jersey Four. Today we are excited to announce the launch of the website and trailer. We hope this will shed more light on the events that transpired from August 18th.

Unfortunately, we also regret to inform you that nearly six months after her release, Renata Hill was sent back to complete her three and a half year prison term. This Thursday evening, May 7th, CBS news on LOGO TV (check your local listings) will air an exclusive interview with Renata, right before her re-incarceration.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the case here is a brief description. Please check out the new website for more details.

On a hot summer evening in the gay-friendly West Village neighborhood of New York City, seven young women from New Jersey were verbally threatened and physically attacked by a twenty-nine-year-old man. In a not uncommon travesty of justice, the New Jersey Seven, as they came to be called, were sent to prison for defending themselves. The Fire This Time tells the story of the seven women’s trial and prison sentences, and the years-long fight by relatives and activists to get the women released. Along the way, the film reveals in devastating detail how the media, homophobia, and racism all work together in American culture to stigmatize and victimize gay people of color.

We hope this site will help add perspective and awareness to this case and other like it. Please take a minute to check out the website and watch the trailer!

Thank you.
Blair Doroshwalther & The Fire This Time film crew

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